Monday, May 23, 2011

First day of Orientation

Well guys today began my official work term for TIC. The day started at 7:45 and we spent all morning filling out new hire paperwork and completing the various required tests and such to qualify us for work. Then we talked about the upcoming week and were informed that as new hires our entire week would be spent at the hotel in conference rooms completing what is called CORE training. In other words we will be covering all the basic information you need to know to function on a construction site. We had lunch at noon and then started the training. To be honest that aspect of the week is going to be loooong. However, I have to say that I definitely like all of my fellow interns! I am having such a great time getting to know people and embracing this new experience! After training we went to the TIC shop and had dinner. Remember those pictures of  the mountains outside my window? We drove past them on our way to the shop and I commented on how beautiful and amazing they were and everyone that I was with said, no those aren't mountains. Those are just big hills. I then had to describe to them that where I'm from our highest point is the man-made dike. This seemed to amuse them but as I'm sure you know they can't really grasp what I meant. Anyway, for our main course at the shop they boiled corn, potatoes, sausage, and shrimp all together in a big pot and then poured it all out onto a giant table. I forgot to take my camera so sadly I don't have pictures but it was sooo cool! Then it started to rain and thunderstorm and let me say it was a doosey. I was definitely not enjoying it. It was so much louder up in the higher elevation it was quite interesting. After the evening at the shop we all came back and hung out around the pool together. I turned in early, I guess I just proved that I'm turning into an old fogie. Oh well tomorrow's a new day!

Love From WY!

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